Dienstag, 25. Februar 2020

Ein Wiedergänger.

aus New Statesman, 18. 2. 20

... The politics of Europe’s largest economy - and what should be the continent’s geopolitical keystone - can be ex- asperatingly parochial. Where turbulent events rage in the outside world, the German political establishment spends astonishing amounts of time and attention on petty squabbles, low-rent imitations of American culture wars and re- litigations of old arguments and rivalries. Much of this is personified in the candidacy of former CDU parliamentary head Friedrich Merz, a cadaverous spectre from the federal republic’s political past who lost a power struggle with Merkel in 2002 and has returned in the twilight of her chancellorship, sculpting the unreconstructed politics of that bygone era into pseudo-populist provocations for the Twitter age. ...

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